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Think On Your Feet!

Research identified sedentary behaviour as a health risk in workplaces. Working together with Healthy Together Latrobe, The Reputation Group helped develop “Think on Your Feet!”, a pilot campaign encouraging office workers at a government department to get up and move more at work for better health.

Staff were given free Fitbits and encouraged to become involved in weekly challenges, which featured a variety of group and individual activities with reward incentives. More “walking meetings” were held and stand-up desks were introduced to start changing cultural norms.

To support the activities, TRG distributed a variety of environmental prompts, including floor decals and posters, to help staff choose the healthy option, e.g. taking the stairs, not the lift.

Over 38% of staff claimed that the promotional material ‘almost always’ or ‘often’ served as a reminder to move more at work. Post the 12-week campaign 26% of participants said their physical activity increased ‘a lot’ and 39% said it increased ‘a little.’ The pilot campaign was extended to other workplaces.